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Friday, March 6, 2015

David Starkey and Abdul Rahman on Islam

I quote the gist of an argument by David Starkey on Question Time BBC Lincoln 15 January 2015, answering a question on free speech and addressing Mehdi Hasan.

Freedom of speech and thought is the foundation of what we are. It is why Europe in the last 4 or 5 hundred years has rethought and transformed the world and humanity. After conquering the Roman Empire, Islam was the centre of the intellectual universe. It was open, diverse and welcoming; it accepted challenge. The moment it turned in on itself, pushing these aside, it began to die. It is now primitive and backward after the glory of those early days.

The current thuggish, uncivilised and totally unjustifiable behaviour of IS and associated Jihaddists brings in focus a (paraphrased) comment on a YouTube video (Merry Christmas Mr Islamist) by Abdul Rahman. It was succinct and biting. 

How many deaths before the politically correct realise that Islam is a cancer? Once it spreads, it kills its host indiscriminately.

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