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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The View of God from my Anti-theist Bridge: Existence

I obviously cannot say that God does not exist; I believe it is logically impossible to prove; similarly for the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM).
“ ...but I also can't prove that mushrooms could not be intergalactic spaceships spying on us”. (Daniel C Dennett)
However, I have not seen, much less been convinced by, presented evidence to suppose either of them is out there watching over us. I do not have to defend this position, it is those that want me to believe that God or the FSM is real who need to produce verification. And this should be much more than general hearsay and private revelation.
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” (Christopher Hitchens)
Three significant classical proofs for God, ontological (from logic), cosmological (first cause) and teleological (by design), are not in the least convincing. See:
A modern ontological argument is supported by Christian philosopher Alvin Plantinga who argued along the lines that it is possible for God to exist, so God exists in a possible world. If this is the case, then God exists in every world, and therefore in this world. I believe the above argument only works if we consider every world as a possible world, but I do feel we are being hoodwinked by intellectual twoddle.

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