However, I suddenly had a thought! What about the ceiling ... has this been forgotten? So, I lay down on the desktop ... and looked up ...
and got to thinking about His Theory of ... well ... Everything.
I was contemplating the vastness of of infinitesimal things, when a neutron wave gently lapped against my unshaven countenance. I felt it was there, but when I looked at it ... it destroyed itself. It was a bit like 'ten past eight'. You believe it, but when you try to 'fence it in', you catch a bit of 'just before ten past eight' and 'a little bit after ten past eight'. No matter how small you make the interval, you can never pin 'ten past eight' down specifically and uniquely. So, perhaps it doesn't really exist after all.
Now, if you truly understand this latter concept, try it on your loved one as she jumps into the car screaming "... What the hell time is this, you sack of s**t? You were supposed to pick me up at ten past eight!" Go on ... try it.
Perhaps we should all re-read a Brief History ...